Physical Therapy Treatment Options

Are you looking for physical therapy in Leland or Shallotte? The team at Coastal Integrative Health is here to help.
Treatment options for Physical Therapy
Treatment options for Physical Therapy may include:
Therapeutic Exercises
- Flexibility and strengthening exercises
- Sport-specific exercises
- Stretching
- Development of home exercise plan
Neuromuscular Re-Education
- Postural education and training
- Balance training
- Proprioceptive training
Manual Therapy
- Joint mobilizations
- Soft tissue mobilization
- Massage
- Electrical stimulation
- Ultrasound/ phonophoresis
- TENS education and application
- Cryotherapy
- Moist heat therapy
Gait Training
- Gait quality
- Assistive device assessment and training
- Orthotic assessment
Golf and Physical Therapy
Physical Therapists are experts on musculoskeletal disorders and biomechanical dysfunctions in the human body and what sport is subject to more movement disorders by the amateur participant then golf?
The golf swing combines complex movement patterns requiring a combination of flexibility, core strength, postural awareness and control, balance, and dynamic strength. These are all principles common in Physical Therapy treatments for most movement disorders, and can easily be tailored to address the golf swing or any injury that limits your ability to play the sport you love.
Through a thorough medical history and physical evaluation, we will examine the areas that you are having pain or limitations and also identify areas that may be at risk for future injury. We will help identify what physical restrictions may be contributing to pain in the affected area as well as resultant swing faults that may be present.
For example, a patient presenting with medial elbow pain or golfers elbow will have a thorough common elbow evaluation. After this, we will examine the surrounding wrist and shoulder to evaluate for physical restrictions. A right-handed golfer who has restrictions in their R shoulder for flexion and external rotation will have difficulty achieving their full backswing, thus straining the medial elbow. Additionally, restrictions in other areas such as the thoracic spine or R hip for internal rotation may be present but not obvious and need to be addressed to assure optimal outcomes with a return to sport.
Physical therapists can review your current exercise regimen and offer additional or modified stretching/strengthening exercises to eliminate the pain you have and help prevent future recurrences of pain or injury.